Saturday, August 22, 2009


Ok.... Here it is... You’ll never need another self help book or seminar again. :-)

1) MOST IMPORTANT: - Dont try and change what you are truly not fed up with - If you secretly enjoy it just accept that it is serving a purpose in your life. Let it be

Trying to push things out of your life only heightens your craving for them - Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows that. Accept! You will tire of it naturally if you stop reenforcing the craving by denying yourself.

I realise this goes against everything you have been told but it is by FAR the most important. You do the thing you do for a good reason! It supports an emotional / chemical connection that your subconsious believes it NEEDS for survival. (Hence the reason its so hard to give up). Unravel that reason and try to find alternatives but DON’T fight your subconscious. You’ll lose.
2) Small is BIG - People forget the power of a single drip of water. ITs not all about massive obserbvable changes. Its about tiny constant re programing until the flood gates eventually break. REMEBER change is often not even observable to you. Just trust it has happend one neuron at a time

3) Stack the deck - If you want things to happen faster throw yourself in the deep end so you have to sink or swim. Nothing re wires the brain faster than survival. That’s one of the reasons we did the 'Giveaway". Survival! To shock the brain into rewiring old patterns & ruts we have found hard to break.

4) Tell everyone - Why do you think you know about our giveaway! We needed to make sure we stuck to our plan so we let everyone know!
Your brain HATES looking bad. It’s a natural survival mechanism to ensure you don’t appear weak. Make use of this HUGE natural focus aid to keep you on track

5) Be that person - Its all about growing new neural networks in your brain and thats all about perception. Rather than being the old you who's trying to change. Just decide you are already the new you, who occasionally enjoys old behaviours. No big deal!

REMEMBER Both the Old and New 'you' are made up by your brain (illusions) so why not pick the one that doesn’t make you feel like crap. And gives your brain a chance to wire constructive rather than destructive thought processes.
6) Silence the inner critic - Sounds harder than it is. Actually its just noticing it and not allowing your thoughts to follow through any more than is necessary. It all comes back to retraining the neural connections. NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE - You dont even have to really do anything. Just noticing your behaviour patterns alters your perception and hence the connections over time.
7) If you cant seem to get around to doing #2,3,4,5 or 6 - DONT PANIC - Refer again to #1 and ENJOY!

You'll notice we used all of these :-) Of course there are many other perfectly good ways but this i have found the most effective. Love your suggestions on making changes.


  1. Geoff and Bess - You are living the reality Aart Van Der Leeuw wrote of "The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced". It's amazing how uncluttering material things from our lives allows time for the things of true value.


  2. Talk about synchronicity. I have been doing Holosync meditation, learning about NLP and EFT.
    And I am now finding things falling in to my lap that are connected, like this. Your statement about re wiring the brain constructively is just what I am trying to do. And the starting point is AWARENESS. Watch what you do. You do everything for a reason. You don't have a behaviour that doesn't serve you in some way. So watch and see how that behaviour serves you. That's the starting point to letting go of the negatives stuff. I guess I am only using a different word, awareness, for your word, NOTICE!
