Thursday, August 20, 2009

Liv'n The Dream---NOT


Work hard doing something you dont want to do.

For someone you dont want to do it for

To buy things you dont need

To fit in with people you dont like

That get you in debts you cant pay

To companies you don’t know

Making you work at jobs you don’t want..…for someone dont like....etc etc etc etc

ITS YOUR LIFE. Take it back!!


  1. Not a bad outlook on this precious gift that we call life,GEOFF. From Mark.

  2. We miss the bigger picture don't we?
    We live like robot's in a way and don't even bother thinking about what we really want in life.

    You both are just so inspirational, just awesome.

  3. If only we all took your positive attitude to life. The unknown is scary but to go there takes courage.

  4. This is exactly why my husban and i got rid of everything bought a van and started to travel around australia, it gave us quality time together , we got to see our daughter growing up and she could really know us. Instead of paying for things we didnt need and staying stuck in a rut,. i recomend this lifestyle of quality time and minimum expense to anyone contemplating doing it.............just do it, its worth it.
