Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Email Nightmare - My Lesson in Letting Go

WOW what a challenging day. Bessie did an interview this morning just as our whole email server crashed – Fortunately The Life Change Experiment emails weren’t affected, but all our personal stuff was lost. And many of the offers of house sitting and places we should visit L

To be honest for a moment I literally felt sick thinking the very responses our future depended upon were bouncing around cyberspace un answerable

It made me acutely aware of a part of me I still needed to let go of. That part that likes to CONTROL and push forward results, rather than let them flow and accept.

But it dawned on me, as I grumbled and stressed about not getting back to people in proper time and lost opportunities, that the person who didn’t get the job at the world trade centre thought that day was a BAD day, at the time!

I realise learning new ways to deal with things is EXACTLY what this experiment is all about – weeding out the personality traits that stop us living life to the full.

Just like the movie ‘sliding doors’ – I need to remember that every alternate ‘reality’ has just as much potential as the next, if you let it go and get on with the business of living it, rather than bitching about it.

Let’s hope I get the lesson quick – I have a feeling it wont be the last time I deal with this ol chestnut!

NOTE – Some of you asked if we would add a facebook site since you prefer it to twitter. http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Life-Change-Experiment/148424474987

(See. I wouldn’t have had the time to build a facebook page if my emails had been working :-))


  1. Its lucky that any genuine offers will find there way back to you when the timing is right anyway. That way you cant make too many plans too far in advance and will be left to live each moment as it arises. also lucky your of the mind set to appreciate it... x

  2. I always try to look at things in the way of, no matter how much you want something if you dont get it you werent meant to. There is a reason why things happen. you just werent meant to have it, whatever it is. Something else always crops up
