Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Falling out of Flow

Must admit I felt a bit overwhelmed yesterday. So much has been going on! The huge quantity of people in need, the inadequacy of our ability to help and the logistics of our future have really hit home.

It’s reminded me how hard it is to stay in the flow when you are bombarded with 'practicalities', other people’s opinions, distractions and fears.

Of course this is clearly the next lesson on our journey and I accept that.

How do I know? Because it seems all really worthwhile lessons come, at what we would consider, the most inappropriate times.

And right before we have to decide the next step in our journey, is about the most inappropriate time I can think of, to not be able to feel the flow! So I take some form of perverse comfort in this fact, haha

A good friend of mine who is a little too psychic for her own good, Rang me tonight to say she was sensing that I was disconnecting, and to remind me to re centre. She was right! As she usually is.

Why am I sharing this with you? To become accountable!
It would be easy to always write upbeat, ‘we are so enlightened, take our advice’ blogs. But that’s not what this is about. It’s an experiment. Which means:-

1 It MUST be truthful else the results are flawed
2 It will go wrong and it will go right – Both are equally valid lessons
3 It is all about dealing with the warts and all of reality, not detached Ideas in a book.

I have worked amongst many of the most well known personal development people in the world, and my biggest gripe is that few ever admit to having bad days.
It was a huge weight of my shoulder when I realised that ALL of them did, and not just a few! So ‘perfection’ was not the goal.

So today my mission is to start to reconnect, and listen to the flow again. There is too much at steak to let my ego or fears screw things up now.

See now I feel better already. Wow you guys are great – Thanks for the talk :-) – (the power of reflexion )


  1. Hi Bessie and Geoff, how I see your LIFE CHANGE EXPERIMENT is that you can do this only if you both disconnect yourselves from the world. Your generosity to give to others and want to do more is amazing. I just see that you cannot stop now. You both have big hearts and this should be your next project, help people in different ways, people not talking about their problems, that's why we all in trouble, we hide. People will support you I'm sure. I will too if you need my help! Or as I mentioned in my previous comment few days a go, spend few months in a tranquility quiet place only three of you, that's what you need and BlueBell needs a little brother. I feel you warmths in every word. Stay strong and focused. Bye for now! Cornelia

  2. Thank you for reminding me that I too need to reconnect, I have had a few bad days but now incredibly grateful for the far reaching power of your reflection!

  3. G'day Guy's,
    WoW Geoff u r 1 STRONG man & I dont meen your muscles of a Gladiator,of coarse u 2 Bessie.
    I think u's r beutiful people.
    Like u said "the power of reflection"
    I am only 22yrs old & u have INSPIRED me at a time when I felt like life was going no where.
    U GO GUY's!!!

  4. A gift of thought for your journey - what's for you won't go by you....of scottish origin i believe :> Shan

  5. Hey Guys
    Just to put everything in perspective if you think you are in for a big change listen to the following program and you will really get a sense of whats to come ( and it is allllll good!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeUozRqJQXI
    I have known about these changes most of my life and the messages here is clear.Just be in your hearts and you will be just fine xxx Love Nicole x

  6. Hi Geoff,

    Not feeling the flow when programming, fear, opinions of others as you say, practicalities coming into play is pretty normal. Those as you say are the greatest opportunities for personal growth because thsoe are the parts of ourselves we dont realise until things get a bit hard, are looming below the surface. Awareness, being the watcher in those times is all you can do, and not to beat yourself up for not "being in the flow"... acceptance is key...And the perfection thing you are speaking of, its so true, we often strive to be perfect and show that face to the world. But something I have come to realise is, there is perfection within the imperfect... this life is just one big forum for learning and growing so if we are not making mistakes on a regular basis, if we dont stumble and fall, I dont think we are taking enough risks... or perhpas not being real and honest...To be abel to show vulnerability, to be real... that is how you help yourself and others... its being authentic. I think any spiritual person strives to obtain that space where they are in constant flow... never out of it... and I am not sure if there ever comes a point where we reach that moment in time. perhaps when we do its time to evolve past this earth experience altogether? who knows... I think the fact that you are being real and sharing is going to help so many people... like you said, we can read self help books from "gurus" but often we put them on a pedestal and I guess from that stand point we think, "how can I ever be like that or achieve that?" ultimately we are all on the same playing field in life... the only thing which seperates us is our level of awareness and courage to follow that inner pull toward living an anthentic life, our willingness to wake up and to take the neccessary risks to put yourself out there to grow beyond the confines of mediocrity and what has been programmed into us... out of what is safe and into the unknown. There is nothing more beautiful than being open and sharing that rawness and truth of who you are. Too many people wear masks and deny themselves and others, the beauty of who they are...real connection, real love. There is courage in allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable and it is real to have ups and downs... be in perfect flow one moment and then battling the ego the next... letting go means acceptance... so even though you are giving away your things... the physical... you will still surely go through letting go of other things such as deep programming and fear which is bound to be triggered the closer you get to taking your journey... the journey has in essence aready begun....

    Thanks for being brave enough to be real... you are going to really inspire growth in so many people through that leap of faith alone... :)

    Looking forward to following your progress...

    Love and Light


  7. Geoff the best thing I find to do when I am out of the flow is to sit in nature for 10 minutes and breath...and the universe sent your friend along anyway to remind you!!....How cool is that!!!! I am so excited for you both....hugs....Kim

  8. Bessie and Geoff This experiment and also now joining your blog has given me much admiration for you both and your huge open hearts,this will hopefully inspire more of the same.I wish you nothing but happiness and I know you will find everything you are opening to.I would love to get courage like this,but im still not ready,love the blog,will keep enjoying your wise words and exciting new life experiences.
    Warmest wishes from Anne M.

  9. Geoff, in this posting you have clearly shown what at this time is the greatest of lessons to us all. TRUTHFULNESS!!.
    It is evident in your words that you are not just on another 'New Age' trip. There are times when the greatest moves forward come from seeing all facets of the situation and honestly realising that we ARE challenging the very core of our selves. The overwhelming sensations that you describe are the result of you 'taking the pulse' of the choices that you are making. You are pioneers and as such you travel uncharted lands...fear is always a part of the 'unknown'. Courage is that which you have shown in this piece of writing. The real help you are being to others is so clear to me.... you are inspiring us to examine our OWN paths and lives. For this gift I say thank you sincerely. Gold cannot buy this.
    David Pendragon

  10. This post really resonates with me this morning. I've been having some days of late where it just feels like the whole world is on my shoulders. One thing after another, and I had begun to slide down a little. However a friend recommended your experiment site to me and each morning before I do anything, I have been logging in to read your thoughts.

    What resonates today is that we all have bad days -- I agree with what you said about self-help gurus who never have a bad day (or else never admit to having one) -- this I believe sets the reader up to feel like they really do need help, because they (the reader) have bad times and the gurus don't (according to their books).

    Also, in relation to your comment "...So today my mission is to start to reconnect, and listen to the flow again. There is too much at steak to let my ego or fears screw things up now." and "the power of reflexion."

    I have been going through a period of self-reflection, looking at and evaluating my own behaviour as it relates to a wonderful person in my life. She needed a break and as hard as that was to understand, self-reflection made the difference. Too often one's ego gets in the way of common sense. By reflecting I was able to look at the situation from her point of view, and see why the break was needed. With the positivity that I am receiving from your writings (and those of people who post at the site) as well as my own reflections, I believe that I will be a better person for the break, and also for when we re-connect.

    That is why this post of yours resonated so much with me today.

    Thank you and good wishes for the work you are doing and the goodness it is generating.

    Kim Austin
