Thursday, September 10, 2009

What a DIFFERENCE a day makes!!

BUMPING GOOD REMINDER - Yesterday BlueBelle had her first big accident aaaahhhhhh. Poor little thing wiggled her way of the change table and onto the hard bathroom floor a meter or more down – So Bessie rushed to casualty crying more than the baby was!

I guess this brought home the reality of future safety issues, but its amazing how something like this can shake your confidence. You realise the vulnerability of the moments we take for granted. Any one of them holds the potential for life, death.
As I read the news online today, I was acutely aware of our fragility. Tomorrow’s paper will be full of people and families who are totally unaware of their fate today!
For me the news is a GREAT, in your face daily reminder, to ask the question, ‘if I knew I was to be one of those people how would I live this day differently’

CALM IN THE STORM – Ok so I admit there were a few tears yesterday. The drama of BB’s first skydiving lesson combined with the logistics nightmare this giveaway has become I honestly felt at an all time low. You may have noticed I avoided writing the blog. I must have started it 20 times but felt so detached I didn’t want to post something that felt to me so out of flow
‘Fortunately,’ and I use that word in retrospect coz at the time I was ropeable, BlueBelle was playing up so much that despite all the work, calls, organising, writing, putting out fires, blogs n everything else I was supposed to be doing I had no choice but to take her outside for a walk – Effectively she forced me to LET GO.
I was FURIOUS at the time but decided to take the opportunity to ask WHY?

I realised this was a great opportunity to find out a little more about what im subconsciously holding onto, and it worked wonders in re aligning my mood!

BIRTHDAY – So BlueBelle and I ended up going shopping for mummy’s birthday. Finding something to buy for the woman who has nothing is quite a challenge, but we settled on lots of edible Gluten free goodies and a lotto ticket! Could use the cash about now. We then made her favourite toffee sauce and poured it over a meringue and put a candle in the top. She LOVED IT!
The more I live this experiment the more im convinced that stress and worry are nothing more than guiding hands trying to bring us back into flow. Not emotions to be battled with, buried or ignored!

HUBBLE – And this morning as almost a reminder to me how trivial any of my earthly dramas are in the big scheme of things, I was greeted by news of NEW images from the upgraded Hubble space telescope. Why do I love this so much?

Just have a look at the images and put yourself and your problems in perspective
Every single pin prick of light is a giant sun with an entire solar system of its own trillions and trillions and trillions of miles away. With Cataclysmic storms and explosions bigger than our whole solar system, eco systems, night and day maybe even life. And here is lil’ ol’ me sitting at my computer thinking my little universe and problems are so big and important …. WHAT A GREAT BIG COSMIC JOKE hahahahahhahahaha


  1. much the truth... all the stress thingy...and butterfly kisses for Bluebelle... and for poor stressed mummy.... hope all is ok now

  2. So glad that Bluebelle is ok. What a sweet photo. :-)
