Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Do you have good intuition?
Most of us like to think we are perceptive but what about that borderline spooky stuff that lets us know who is about to call on the phone, or which route to take home to avoid an accident.
Science is slowly getting up to speed on this topic, although the debate is a hot one.

But since intuition is such a big part of personal change, especially the ‘how to’ part, I thought you might be interested in two recent studies that actually influenced our decision to start The Life Change Experiment.

The first was a study in which a group of people who were asked to intuitively pick the best of a group of items. Whilst a second group were given all the details about the items and asked to make a deliberate conscious decision. Much to the researchers surprise the intuitive ‘shopper’s’ ability to pick the overall best items, substantially outweighed those who studied the details and used their Left brain (logic, reasons, rules etc) to make their decision.

Curious? I thought so!

We’re all taught that ‘reason rules’ but clearly there is something else going on here. What exactly it is of course is open to interpretation but I thought it deserved further research.

The next study was one on psychic intuition. In other words picking up on other people’s thoughts or future occurrences. I have always been a curious agnostic in areas of the psychic, but the results were startling. It conclusively and repeatedly showed, that those who BELIEVED in the phenomena had substantially above average positive results, while those who didn’t scored only what would be expected with guessing.

This was a revelation for me!

If im busy ‘not believing’ in things that could make my life richer, happier or more fulfilled then it would be impossible for me to benefit from their effects even if they were legitimate.

I realised that over the last few years my ‘skeptics nature’ and fear of being called a fool had in fact negatively colored the quality of my life, and hence the results I was getting.

So do we simply blindly believe! Well the funny thing is we do anyway.

We blindly believe that we will survive the day, that our version of ‘normal’ is the real normal. That our life, self esteem or happiness is our lot, That our enemies are ‘deep down’ bad people. That our society is the right society. That certain people are intrinsically more worthy than others, That our kids or family are special, That money will make us happy, and millions of other daily imbibed mass illusions we simply agree on hence give life too.’

The Life Change Experiment is our leap of ‘faith’. A conscious effort to break my skeptic thinking, as well as that of the mass illusions I have let dictate our life to date.

I'll always look for science proof. It’s just something I love to do, but I will no longer right off things simply because I haven’t experienced them. Especially if they add quality and joy to the believers life.

YOUR EXPERIENCES: - Developing a strong and accurate intuition is probably the single greatest tool we have if we want a greater quality of life. So I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Especially the spooky kind (out of a scientific curiosity haha).

I would also like to do some experiments, perhaps putting out a small intuitive thought for the day of my own. On similar lines to Gaz Lowes Intuitive horoscopes. If you find these messages resonates with you let me know.

In the mean time, don’t deprive yourself the chance of experience the full wonder and mystery of life simply because you fear opening your mind a little!

1 comment:

  1. There are many things I don't understand in life, but I have learnt to accept that not all things need to be explained. I know that if I try to call a phone number and on the 3rd time still get it wrong, I don't try again. In the past when I 'pushed' the call got through and things didn't go well. I don't know how it works, but I can divine for water, and locate subterranean water courses, and I can tell which way the water goes/went, and how deep it is at any level. I don't try to explain this, but I know from experience, it works. My son had his Chistmas present (his first push bike) stollen a few years ago. I was working out in the bush and felt the urge to come and find it. My mate said I was 'nuts' the thief would have jumped on it and ridden away and the bike would have been long gone and hidden. I came back into town and started my search 2 hours after the theft, I drove around this town of 90,000 people and went to the places logic said I should go, and I couldn't find it, but then I stopped thinking and just drove without consious thought, and in a side street I found the bike with the 3 people who stole it. A few months ago I woke up at 2.30am and knew an elderly friend with cancer had just stopped breathing. I knew he was in hospital, and I felt the urge to help his son, a close mate of mine, by being with him. I got the hospital, but got messed up with the call transfer and didn't get to his ward. The feeling was overwhelming, and I fought the feeling to jump in my car to drive out of town to my friends place (the son of the man). I didn't go because they were either home, or at the hospital. At about 9.30am the phone rang, and my mate confirmed what I felt the night before. How did I know? I have no idea. I have an Aboriginal heritage, and my father was an educated man, who had 'juice' and was also an initiated tribal elder. From him I had learnt to 'let go of the fight' and let things happen. I know I can make things happen by brute force, but things never turn out well, but if I 'walk gently' nice and unexpected things do happen, not always when I would like them to, but always on time and in the right context. Be fair with people, help when you can, don't expect reward, but be gracious enough to accept help if offered, and pass it on to many. And as a man, I have found that crying is a good emotion to share with my children, as it is normally honest and the result of profound happiness or sadness.
