Saturday, September 19, 2009

WEEKLY UPDATE - Inspiration is Not Spoken- ITS HEARD

Most of us think we don’t know enough to help others or have anything inspirational to say about life. RUBBISH!!

A life changing lesson can be learnt from getting a parking ticket, watching a sunset or holding a baby, none of which you would traditionally classify as 'wise' or actively inspiring!

A single word, even a hurtful one, can change a whole life! Heck a simple silence can do the same.

So it has really NEVER been about the ‘wisdom’ of the person that gives the words, or even what they are! It has only ever been about the person that RECEIVES and PERCEIVES THEM!
The person who is ready to hear! Who's mind and heart ignite in a flood of realisation! "oohh yeah that’s true".

Fact is words outside you only act as sign posts to help you remember your own truths within, so keep your ears and eyes open, wisdom is all around you and don’t be afraid to open your moth and share what you learn!

You just NEVER KNOW who is waiting desperately to hear the very thing that’s on your heart to say.


Well the new website is up and starting to come together. Please check it out and give us your suggestions. Everyday we will be putting a little more on and building the resources as we travel. So your input is essential.

CHANGE: - I have been trying to quantify what is needed to help people with their changes be they career, personal, romantic, self or health. I know for me it has been about great information, and pressure free regular support, all things I am trying to build into the new site. But if you have something else you think would benefit others please let us know.

HUGOS 1st:- We had a great time at Hugo’s 1st Birthday in Manly. I must admit I love this place. Saw lots of old friends and took a pic with BlueBelle and our old buddy Lisa Oldfield. Bessie doesn’t miss the party scene at all but I don’t mind a little schmoozing with some old mates and a good cocktail once in a while.

SASSY AWARDS:- Had a great time at literary agent Selwa Anthony’s sassy awards. Of course it only dawned on me I had given away all my jackets an hour before we had to be there. Fortunately I managed to find one at the bottom of a box of rubbish. Every one at the open day must have thought it sucked, but thank god they did because at least I had something to wear!


This week we had the lovely felicity come to help out. This young lady has a rather cool high powered Canberra job but spends her spare time helping people in need. We were very lucky she contacted us and spent 3 days taking some of the pressure of us in the research and email department. Her warmth and obvious heart to help others was a wonderful inspiration and example to both of us, and I think she has given us a little bit of a reminder of the type of people we aspire to be. Thanks Felicity


  1. Hi Geoff
    Certainly lots todo to get up and running, but you all seem to be taking it in your stride.
    Could you post the url for the new site? I had a look but couldn't see it -- though I may have missed it. :-)

  2. Would not it be a greater world, where the people help eachother. Everyone could participate, from greatist mind to the smallist. If the strong help the weak, and so on, down the trail, the weak become strong enough to help, you guessed it, the weak.
    C. Faye

  3. Spot on would be wonderful - if more people volunteered then those less fortunate would have a much better chance at life. No matter where I have lived (both here in Aus and in the US), I have made it a point to make sure that I have volunteered in the community -- my small way to give something back. It costs you nothing and the payback is the knowledge that someone else has benefitted from it. What better reward can you possibly hope for?
