Saturday, September 5, 2009

Busy Busy Flow NO!!!!

I couldn’t sleep this morning. It’s not like I hadn’t been up twice in the middle of the night with loulee (BlueBelle). I should have been knackered but I just woke with a million fresh ideas and things to do.

Now ‘things to do’ feels GREAT doesn’t it. And I bounded out of bed with all the enthusiasm of a three legged frog on Bastille day!
I whisked past Bessie and Bluebelle, franticly trying to cling to my thoughts, before the neurons holding them remembered the past 10 years of abuse and went back to sleep. – Damn my memory is bad!

TO DO...
• Upload Gaz’z NEW INTUITIVE HOROSCOPES on our site for everyone to benefit from (done)

• Start a page where people can post there FAVOURITE MOVIES. Inspirational, life lessons or heart warming. So we can all benefit (thanks for the ‘Pay it Forward tip’ guys it was great)

• Start a ‘GO WITH THE FLOW’ page – documenting each thing, person or oppertunity that comes into our life via this experiment, and where it flowed from, and to.

• Put together a proposal to get corporates and individuals excited (generosity wise) about ‘HELPING PEOPLE REAL TIME and physically rather than just with words and good intentions, as we go around

• Start working out route and logistics. Hmm not as easy as I had thought!!

• Prepare for next, Today Tonight interview and actually MEETING the recipients. Invite others to come and help themselves to anything left.

• Interview several young people who have volunteered to help, by traveling around with us, minding BlueBelle and assisting with making video blog as good as possible.

• Put together our ‘one on one workshops’ hopefully to be able to cover petrol, food and expenses on the way. Think of alternatives – We gotta eat!!!!

• Write this blog, update facebook, twitter, find great quotes, contact possible transportation options, contact recipients………….etc etc etc

You get the point!!

But then half way between making coffee, blowing off my usual meditation, kissing the baby and looking for my Ipod while I still have it to enjoy, something inside yelled….


It took all my strength, but I begrudgingly plonked myself on the couch outside, put some earplugs in and sat there until, eventually, the ‘must do’ subsided and I realised how totally unimportant ALL of my 'AMAZING IDEAS' and PRESSING TASKS really were in the scheme of things!

Worse I realise how my enthusiasm had secretly tricked me into believeing my own hype! Like i knew exactly what to do.
So my fellow travellers. My lesson here today is. VIGILANCE!!

It’s not at times of misery or trouble that we fall out of flow, it’s our times of elation and apparent purpose, when we think WE are more important than that silent little voice saying............

 ‘SIT geoff. Sit be still and LISTEN’!

LOVE TO KNOW :- If you experience the same and how you deal with the subtle art of staying centred  busy!


  1. Hi Geoff
    Well you an in an interesting place. You want to change your life but you may not have realized you have to change yourself in order to do so! It is very important to understand the difference. If you want your life to change, you have to change what you value the most and you have to change the way you think. There is no doubt in my mind that you are aware of this concept; however, you may have to get clear on what it is you want to change about your life. Giving away all your possessions will not change your life if you continue to be you the "you" you have always been. The "you" you have always been will just recreate everything all over again. I am curious what exactly is it that you want to change about your life? What motivated you to start the lifechange experiment? What were your values prior to this experiment and what are they now? If you really want to jump into the abyss and completely go with the flow then that is exactly what you have to do. Stop planning, stop creating safety nets, support systems, fan clubs and just get in the car and drive. Don't tell people where you are going, who you are, what you are doing, don't have a this really what you want? Is this really how you want to live? What do you think you will gain? I have lived most my life like this and I will tell you what you gain... you gain a knowing that yes the universe does provide but you already inherently know this. Why do you want to stop being Geoff who is a fantastic organizer, planner, goal setter, and an amazing success??? You have to truly understand the answer to that question if you want to change your life.
    In Light and Love

  2. Vigilence? Or is it reconnecting to that ability to sit still and contemplate? Our 21st Century lifestyle demands that we act and re-act. It is almost impossible to sit, and just think. To be human is to think and to be human is to act. Life is exciting and one can easily throw oneself after one idea and then another, all seemingly necessary and practical; the ability in the midst of this buzz, to stop, maybe have a quiet cup of tea, and just think, is one of lifes ultimate fulfilments, in my opinion. To stop and fit oneself inside ones own life space in the universe as though one matters, ahhhh how wonderful.

  3. You know what Geoff?

    What would I know?

    All I feel at the moment though is, is that I enjoy doing admin tasks.

    So if you would like to handball a few 'to do's' my way I would be glad to carry them out.

    Sometimes just expressing the wants, realising them and sharing the takes the sole focused energy out of them.

    It is hard - because I can share with you what soothes my over loaded soul, or I could make you a cup of milo and share stories of randomness and make you laugh. Our 'to do's' will still be there once the milo and marshmellows are gone.

    perhaps - the fact that i am sitting in an internet lounge with my friends sitting beside me - they are playing network games - and i am the only one sitting here addressing my TO DO emails and admin.

    I am sharing with you - and now feel I SHOULD get back to my mates.

    Shoulds, coulds, woulds- prioritising my 'TO DO' list.

    STOP!!!!! Julia , sit still, Listen.

  4. I Really do Wonder if People would give a Shit if it was a Nobody like me that was leaving everything behind in a lifechange,Well I have been there ,with nothing & no1 & guess what-
    No1 Cared at all,but I was not famouse with T.V exposure or a Computer.
    I think that 95% r in this 4 there own greedy meens!!!

  5. I forgot-
    "AMAZING WORDS" Nicole Chelsea Baikie.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Geoff!

    God wants us to stop and smell the roses and take the time to really get to know ourselves and what we want personally for ourselves, it comes down to choice!
    Society and it's demands wants us to turn ourselves inside out trying to keep up and look good to others and live a counterfeit life. It's so ingrained in us to keep up that we don't even know when we are acting like that. It takes a lot of practice and determination, somewhat like giving up a hard addiction, to re-teach ourselves to be still and know we live abundantly no matter what your situation.
    If, whatever you are doing isn't making you happy, why do it? WHY??? What... to survive? The essence of the law is that you must think abundantly, see abundantly and feel abundantly and believe abundantly. Let no thought of limitation enter your mind, think and believe your life into reality. It's amazing when you think like that, the universe brings you new resources that can achieve the same things for you without all the commotion and grey hair and wrinkles! Life is so is so short and our happiness is instrumental to our health and state of mind.
    People who say they have lack aren't seeing what's around them, particularly people in western societies.
    The moment we stop fighting, fighting against the fear of cancer, poverty, war, drugs, whatever there will be more peace in our lives, which in turn will stop cancer because of lowered stress levels, your poverty mentality will stop and you will be grateful for what you have, war will stop because what's the point!!! There will be no need for drugs as peace of mind and spirit will be your natural drug. When we fight against the things we don't want we attract the things we fight against. The universe brings us what we think most about!! So, do you need to re-think what your thinking? How about thinking thoughts of abundance? You might not have abundance in your life, but if you train your thought pattern around to believing you live abundantly, the universe will tap into your thought pattern and marry up your life to your thinking pattern, it's that simple!
    My life went down the drain because of my thought patterns. I was bringing negative situations into my life because of my negativity. What i feared most i received. It took me years to realised that we are a product of our thought patterns. So i started to turn my thinking around, i thought positive, i believed good things were coming my way and things changed. There were days i wanted to be negative, but i trained my mind to immediately think something positive in it's place.
    So yes, be still and know all is well and abundant in your life, it's just a matter of changing your thought patterns to positive rather then negative.
    I live a life of total peace now, there's no other feeling like it. I know all my needs WILL be met and abundantly, it's all about thinking it into reality.
    God bless you and yours forever!
