"From the bottom of your heart,
seek what makes you sing and once you find it,
do nothing but sing your song.
Chance everything to dance to your tune.
It says in a nutshell what my heart had literally screamed at me for the last 20 years!
Unfortunately I was a big ol' chicken! Petrified of stepping too far out of my comfort zone, risking all I believed I had built up, and worse still looking like a raving lunatic in front of all my fancy friends haha!
‘Letting go’ certainly wasn’t conducive to the lifestyle and image I was trying to portray and create! The one I ‘thought’ was going to make me happy.
Don’t you think it is strange the power ‘fitting in’ has over us? Is being seen as ‘normal’ or ‘successful’ really so important we are willing to sacrifice the happiness of our entire life, to satisfy the critical eye of the few who we call our peers.
For me I banged my head on life everyday hoping for different results. Maybe one day life would crack and I’d wake up without a ‘headache,’ I thought!
Of course in a head banging contest life always wins, and eventually as the ‘pain relievers’ and ‘distractions’ I had used to numb myself over the years wore off, there was and ever increasing realisation that, this AIN’T WORKING!
This human trait of ‘self’ preservation, to ‘stay within our box’ no matter what the price,’ has always fascinated me.
How can we want to change so much but be so terrified of the consequences.
Especially when these days the consequences are hardly being cast out of the tribe to starve to death in Jurassic park.
How can we want to change so much but be so terrified of the consequences.
Especially when these days the consequences are hardly being cast out of the tribe to starve to death in Jurassic park.
Our self image is a powerful thing and we defend it literally to the death.
But what exactly is it? What is pride? Fear? Ego? Self Image? – It is the exact reflection of that which we believe we are missing or will lose. (Think about that for a second)
We create our self image and defend it so passionately because it compensates for what we believe we are NOT! It is our smoke screen, our sanctuary from the scary world around us. Like the puffer fish that blows itself up when frightened to look twice its size!
Even a poor self image protects us from taking risks that might involve humiliation or emotional pain.
Like a lover with rose coloured glasses in an abusive relationship. We see only the protection it gives us and not the pain the self critic inflicts on us, or the freedom and life it is keeping us from.
So how do you Let Go of this controlling old ‘lover’ and really live?
Find YOUR song. And sing it with all your heart. Stop second guessing yourself and trying to sing other peoples song’s
Just like any song it will have high notes and low. You don’t have to know how it ends, or even what the next line is, you just have to sing what is given to you with all your heart.
And you may find, as I have done much to my surprise, that others in this world will be singing along with you!
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