Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Friday, October 2, 2009
OUR LATEST BLOG & Weekly update
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Today is very exciting because we are immigrating the Blog to its new home on our site.
PLEASE - Do keep up with the latest Blog. We REALLY appreciated your comments and have migrated them all over
Today is very exciting because we are immigrating the Blog to its new home on our site.
PLEASE - Do keep up with the latest Blog. We REALLY appreciated your comments and have migrated them all over
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Do you have good intuition?
Most of us like to think we are perceptive but what about that borderline spooky stuff that lets us know who is about to call on the phone, or which route to take home to avoid an accident.
Science is slowly getting up to speed on this topic, although the debate is a hot one.Most of us like to think we are perceptive but what about that borderline spooky stuff that lets us know who is about to call on the phone, or which route to take home to avoid an accident.
But since intuition is such a big part of personal change, especially the ‘how to’ part, I thought you might be interested in two recent studies that actually influenced our decision to start The Life Change Experiment.
The first was a study in which a group of people who were asked to intuitively pick the best of a group of items. Whilst a second group were given all the details about the items and asked to make a deliberate conscious decision. Much to the researchers surprise the intuitive ‘shopper’s’ ability to pick the overall best items, substantially outweighed those who studied the details and used their Left brain (logic, reasons, rules etc) to make their decision.
Curious? I thought so!
We’re all taught that ‘reason rules’ but clearly there is something else going on here. What exactly it is of course is open to interpretation but I thought it deserved further research.
The next study was one on psychic intuition. In other words picking up on other people’s thoughts or future occurrences. I have always been a curious agnostic in areas of the psychic, but the results were startling. It conclusively and repeatedly showed, that those who BELIEVED in the phenomena had substantially above average positive results, while those who didn’t scored only what would be expected with guessing.
This was a revelation for me!
If im busy ‘not believing’ in things that could make my life richer, happier or more fulfilled then it would be impossible for me to benefit from their effects even if they were legitimate.
I realised that over the last few years my ‘skeptics nature’ and fear of being called a fool had in fact negatively colored the quality of my life, and hence the results I was getting.
So do we simply blindly believe! Well the funny thing is we do anyway.
The Life Change Experiment is our leap of ‘faith’. A conscious effort to break my skeptic thinking, as well as that of the mass illusions I have let dictate our life to date.
I'll always look for science proof. It’s just something I love to do, but I will no longer right off things simply because I haven’t experienced them. Especially if they add quality and joy to the believers life.
YOUR EXPERIENCES: - Developing a strong and accurate intuition is probably the single greatest tool we have if we want a greater quality of life. So I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Especially the spooky kind (out of a scientific curiosity haha).
I would also like to do some experiments, perhaps putting out a small intuitive thought for the day of my own. On similar lines to Gaz Lowes Intuitive horoscopes. If you find these messages resonates with you let me know.
In the mean time, don’t deprive yourself the chance of experience the full wonder and mystery of life simply because you fear opening your mind a little!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
WEEKLY UPDATE - Inspiration is Not Spoken- ITS HEARD
Most of us think we don’t know enough to help others or have anything inspirational to say about life. RUBBISH!!
A life changing lesson can be learnt from getting a parking ticket, watching a sunset or holding a baby, none of which you would traditionally classify as 'wise' or actively inspiring!
A single word, even a hurtful one, can change a whole life! Heck a simple silence can do the same.
Fact is words outside you only act as sign posts to help you remember your own truths within, so keep your ears and eyes open, wisdom is all around you and don’t be afraid to open your moth and share what you learn!
Well the new website is up and starting to come together. Please check it out and give us your suggestions. Everyday we will be putting a little more on and building the resources as we travel. So your input is essential.
CHANGE: - I have been trying to quantify what is needed to help people with their changes be they career, personal, romantic, self or health. I know for me it has been about great information, and pressure free regular support, all things I am trying to build into the new site. But if you have something else you think would benefit others please let us know.
SASSY AWARDS:- Had a great time at literary agent Selwa Anthony’s sassy awards. Of course it only dawned on me I had given away all my jackets an hour before we had to be there. Fortunately I managed to find one at the bottom of a box of rubbish. Every one at the open day must have thought it sucked, but thank god they did because at least I had something to wear!
A life changing lesson can be learnt from getting a parking ticket, watching a sunset or holding a baby, none of which you would traditionally classify as 'wise' or actively inspiring!
A single word, even a hurtful one, can change a whole life! Heck a simple silence can do the same.
So it has really NEVER been about the ‘wisdom’ of the person that gives the words, or even what they are! It has only ever been about the person that RECEIVES and PERCEIVES THEM!
The person who is ready to hear! Who's mind and heart ignite in a flood of realisation! "oohh yeah that’s true".Fact is words outside you only act as sign posts to help you remember your own truths within, so keep your ears and eyes open, wisdom is all around you and don’t be afraid to open your moth and share what you learn!
You just NEVER KNOW who is waiting desperately to hear the very thing that’s on your heart to say.
Well the new website is up and starting to come together. Please check it out and give us your suggestions. Everyday we will be putting a little more on and building the resources as we travel. So your input is essential.
HUGOS 1st:- We had a great time at Hugo’s 1st Birthday in Manly. I must admit I love this place. Saw lots of old friends and took a pic with BlueBelle and our old buddy Lisa Oldfield. Bessie doesn’t miss the party scene at all but I don’t mind a little schmoozing with some old mates and a good cocktail once in a while.
SASSY AWARDS:- Had a great time at literary agent Selwa Anthony’s sassy awards. Of course it only dawned on me I had given away all my jackets an hour before we had to be there. Fortunately I managed to find one at the bottom of a box of rubbish. Every one at the open day must have thought it sucked, but thank god they did because at least I had something to wear!
This week we had the lovely felicity come to help out. This young lady has a rather cool high powered Canberra job but spends her spare time helping people in need. We were very lucky she contacted us and spent 3 days taking some of the pressure of us in the research and email department. Her warmth and obvious heart to help others was a wonderful inspiration and example to both of us, and I think she has given us a little bit of a reminder of the type of people we aspire to be. Thanks Felicity
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
SING YOUR SONG - Before the tune runs out!
"From the bottom of your heart,
seek what makes you sing and once you find it,
do nothing but sing your song.
Chance everything to dance to your tune.
It says in a nutshell what my heart had literally screamed at me for the last 20 years!
Unfortunately I was a big ol' chicken! Petrified of stepping too far out of my comfort zone, risking all I believed I had built up, and worse still looking like a raving lunatic in front of all my fancy friends haha!
‘Letting go’ certainly wasn’t conducive to the lifestyle and image I was trying to portray and create! The one I ‘thought’ was going to make me happy.
Don’t you think it is strange the power ‘fitting in’ has over us? Is being seen as ‘normal’ or ‘successful’ really so important we are willing to sacrifice the happiness of our entire life, to satisfy the critical eye of the few who we call our peers.
For me I banged my head on life everyday hoping for different results. Maybe one day life would crack and I’d wake up without a ‘headache,’ I thought!
Of course in a head banging contest life always wins, and eventually as the ‘pain relievers’ and ‘distractions’ I had used to numb myself over the years wore off, there was and ever increasing realisation that, this AIN’T WORKING!
This human trait of ‘self’ preservation, to ‘stay within our box’ no matter what the price,’ has always fascinated me.
How can we want to change so much but be so terrified of the consequences.
Especially when these days the consequences are hardly being cast out of the tribe to starve to death in Jurassic park.
How can we want to change so much but be so terrified of the consequences.
Especially when these days the consequences are hardly being cast out of the tribe to starve to death in Jurassic park.
Our self image is a powerful thing and we defend it literally to the death.
But what exactly is it? What is pride? Fear? Ego? Self Image? – It is the exact reflection of that which we believe we are missing or will lose. (Think about that for a second)
We create our self image and defend it so passionately because it compensates for what we believe we are NOT! It is our smoke screen, our sanctuary from the scary world around us. Like the puffer fish that blows itself up when frightened to look twice its size!
Even a poor self image protects us from taking risks that might involve humiliation or emotional pain.
Like a lover with rose coloured glasses in an abusive relationship. We see only the protection it gives us and not the pain the self critic inflicts on us, or the freedom and life it is keeping us from.
So how do you Let Go of this controlling old ‘lover’ and really live?
Find YOUR song. And sing it with all your heart. Stop second guessing yourself and trying to sing other peoples song’s
Just like any song it will have high notes and low. You don’t have to know how it ends, or even what the next line is, you just have to sing what is given to you with all your heart.
And you may find, as I have done much to my surprise, that others in this world will be singing along with you!
Monday, September 14, 2009
A BREATH of Fresh air ONE step at a time
It is a VERY surreal feeling. Sitting here today with little more than the clothes on my back as possessions. I feel so incredibly FREE for the first time in years. I feel almost ELATED!!......... WE DID IT!!
This crazy, stupid, irresponsible, wonderful, enlightening, thing! My god it was a trial, but stage one is over and I REALLY AM sitting here a changed person. With a spring in my step and lightness in my heart like I have not experienced since I was a teenager.
The world is truly our Oyster! And we are open, ready and inspired to go on the journey the universe had planned for us from the beginning. The very journey we had been fighting against for the last 20 years, simply because WE KNEW BETTER. We could plan and control better. We knew what we REALLY wanted!.... Didn’t we?
Of course now I look back and realise just how little I actually did control, other than perhaps the stubbornness to not let go of the dreams of my ego, and the self deprecating voice reminding me I was useless and should not venture too far out of my box.
But today – Free of everything I allowed to define me, I don’t feel in the slightest bit ‘without’. I don’t feel poor, or less. In fact im watching commercials on TV now and seeing dust, rust and debt rather than a sparkling new product that will make my life all I hoped it would be!
I looked out the window yesterday and realized all the beauty and the sunshine, the roads, the trees, the conversation, the beaches, the experiences were 100% FREE – So I set about talking to people I wouldn’t normally stop and talk to and that opened my eyes to new possibilities. Possibilities I would NEVER have seen with my head down and bum up in my old ivory rut!
My sister has been here for the past few days and we were talking about how hard it is to do things when we can only see objections and barriers to the journey.
I pointed to a large highly wooded hill and said ‘If someone said lets go to the top of that hill, from here you would say It’s impossible. To steep and thickly wooded, I can’t see any paths and it looks so far away.
But if we simply concentrated on the part we COULD SEE, by putting our shoes on and stepping out the door in the general direction, we would find after a short time that the woods weren’t so thick. The hill not so steep and the fact there is even a perfect little path helping us wind our way up to the summit.
From where we sat complaining about the impossibility of it all, none of these aids and ‘opportunities’ existed in the world we perceived.
It was a perfect example of how we felt before we were ready to put on our shoes and step out on this Experiment. However just like the little path that appeared we have had more opportunities open up in the last 2 weeks than I ever could have ever existed.
The lesson in this for me is NEVER EVER judge your ability to ‘walk a path’ any further than the next step in front of you.
STOP trying to predict what will happen on the way to the top – YOU HAVE NO IDEA. The universe doesn’t need you to work out all the solutions, plan the whole route and solve all the difficulties you may (or may not) come across on the way.
It takes care of all that for you when you get there!. You just have to put one foot in front of the other TODAY ! So why do we make it so complicated!
P.s Can you guys remind us of this next time we fall to pieces haha
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